

Deadweight loss

In economics, deadweight loss is the difference in production and consumption of any given product or service including government tax.

Deadweight Loss of Taxation

Deadweight loss of taxation is a measurement of the economic loss that can be caused by a tax due to its damaging effects on supply and demand.

Deadweight Loss | INOMICS

A deadweight loss is the cost to society from economic inefficiency that occurs when a free-market equilibrium cannot be reached.

Examples, How to Calculate Deadweight Loss

Deadweight loss refers to the loss of economic efficiency when the optimal level of supply and demand are not achieved. In other words, it is.

What is Deadweight Loss? Definition of ...

Description: Deadweight loss can be stated as the loss of total welfare or the social surplus due to reasons like taxes or subsidies, price ceilings or floors, ...

什麼是無謂損失(deadweight loss)?


什麼是無謂損失(deadweight loss)?

只要發生數量過多或過少的情形時,此時社會上的資源就沒有達到最好的配置,那就也會造成社會福利沒有達到如同最適效率狀態的社會福利情形,其中「目前的社會福利與社會福利 ...


又稱社會凈損失,指當由於獨占定價、政府稅制等等因素,使市場未處於最優運行狀態,導致資源未達到最佳限度之分配,因而產生的社會成本,換言之,會產生消費者剩餘和 ...